Monday, May 07, 2007

Using a 2003 process as a 'function call'

Although this kind of thing will be much easier in [BlackPearl] using SmartFunctions, sometime we would like to run a 2003 process to determine the outcome of a set of rules only. Normally this process will not have any client interaction as it mearly takes some input, apply a set of rules using the line rules, and output some result. Doing this we get the visual representation of our business rules and the outcome of it.

The calling code treat the process instance as a method call, creating a new process instance, passing the initial data into the process via datafields and then wait for the process instance to reach an 'answer point', then read the answer from the process instance.

The assumption is that there is alway only one outcome from the business rules.

Firstly, our process. This is a very simple process that will set some datafield called Result to true.

The code inside the True server event looks like this:

Sub Main(ByVal K2 As ServerEventContext)
 ' make this server event wait
 K2.Synchronous = False
 ' store the server event's serial in a process level datafield
 K2.ProcessInstance.DataFields("WaitingServerEventSerial").Value = K2.SerialNumber
 ' set the result of this process, i.e. the business rule
 K2.ProcessInstance.DataFields("Result").Value = True
End Sub

Note that we set the Synchronous property to False. This will make this server event wait until we instruct it to complete. We need to do this so that we can grab the outcome of the business rules (True in this example, stored in the datafield called Result). For the calling code to get to this server event to complete it, the server event store its serial number in a process level datafield called WaitingServerEventSerial.

The calling code looks this this:

Sub Main()
 Dim myConn As SourceCode.K2ROM.Connection = Nothing
 ' this opens a connection to the K2 server
 myConn = New SourceCode.K2ROM.Connection

 ' this is the rules based process
 Dim myProc As SourceCode.K2ROM.ProcessInstance
 Dim piString As String = "Async\Rules"

 ' this creates the process instance
 myProc = myConn.CreateProcessInstance(piString)

 ' this starts the process instance but does not return control to this code
 ' until the process hits a waiting point. in this case the server event thats
 ' been marked to be K2.Synchronous = False

 myConn.StartProcessInstance(myProc, True)

 ' save the process instance ID and use it to open the process again
 Dim myProcID = myProc.ID
 myProc = myConn.OpenProcessInstance(myProcID)

 ' get the result
 Dim result As Boolean = CType(myProc.DataFields("Result").Value, Boolean)

 ' and very important, tell the server event to complete (by getting the waiting server
 ' event's serial number from the process instance datafield. if we don't do this then the
 ' process instance will stay active

 Dim waitingServerEventSerial As String = myProc.DataFields("WaitingServerEventSerial").Value.ToString()
 Dim waitingServerEvent As SourceCode.K2ROM.ServerItem = myConn.OpenServerItem(waitingServerEventSerial)

 Console.WriteLine("Result is " & result.ToString())

Catch ex As Exception
 If Not myConn Is Nothing Then
 End If
End Try
End Sub

The client code creates and starts a process instance. Note the Sync property is set to True when starting the process instance. This will make sure that the StartProcessInstance method will not return control to the calling code until the process hits a client event for Async server event. In our example this Async server event is the outcome of the business logic that we are waiting for.

Once this point is reached and control is passed back to our client code we reload the process instance, get the outcome of the business rules via the Result datafield and then instruct the waiting server event to finish by picking its serial number up from the datafield WaitingServerEventSerial.

PS. Thanks Richard Neal and Mark Jones who's questions prompted me to do this article.

PSS. Often clients ask me to code in the language they use, so I've decided to at last also post a sample in VB.NET. Also note that I always use a simple pattern where I always make sure that the connection to the server is closed.

1 comment:

amar said...

Can we call a child workflow multiple times with this code